People who follow me on social media often say one of two things … either, “Oh, boo. I love everything you share! How do you find it all?” Or, “It’s too much. I had to hide you in my feed.
To which I usually respond, “Go fuck yourself. “ To either declaration. Hashtag hashbrown, hashtag smiley face.
SO, to save everyone from having to feel like they need to talk to me about oversharing everything, I’m going to start making a list! A list of things that I trip over on the internet.
You’re welcome.
Thing #1 - Cement bathtubs and older gay men
An amazing home with a poured-concrete bathtub. So amazing. So opulent. A crime against nature that there isn’t a pot with a succulent in it.
Thing #2 - Unrealized dreams of island nations
Um, who doesn’t love a good roundup of islands and seabound forts, honey? Curbed does it again with a crackerjack collection of military forts that are currently for sale off the coast of England. Click HERE to see ‘em all.
Thing #3 - Neverland for Peter Pan skaters
There’s an 88-acre Mecca to skateboarding in Rutland, Ohio with a posse of weirdoes living only to skateboard for the rest of their lives. They walk around in a post-apocalyptic stupor with rattails slapping down on the backs of their obscure punk band tees while holding boards and ripping half-pipes. Bless you, Vice, for doing the Lord’s work.
Thing #4 - Sci-fi feminist rock opera
Just a reminder that not everyone thinks like you and everyone thinks they’re smarter than everyone else. This trip goes down better with a glitter-covered cup of week-old pot roaches but give it a gander. So we can talk about it over a beer later.
Thing #5 - Self-gratification and acceptance
You cannot tell me that this ruffley bitch do not care what you have to say about her look. She is feeling it and feeling fine and ain’t nobody going to ruin her day or bring her down.