
This is a lot of “me” content but where else can you hear all about what I’m up to without reading my Google calendar?

I need to serve coffee with a muppet arm

I need to serve coffee with a muppet arm

There’s a cute coffee shop in Tokyo that serves delicious specialty coffees through a random hole in a wall. Like, it’s literally a hole that looks like a robot punched its arm through cement. And people are loving it. It’s called Mamonaku Kohi.

I may have dreamed it, but I think there’s a new concept based on the hole, that then uses a muppet arm to hand the coffees out to people. And now I can’t stop thinking about how fun that would be to do as a pop-up with a local coffee brand. And we just cut a big glory hole in the wall or something. It’s gonna happen.

Wait, I found it! HiniChiJou in Shaghai!

Hear me out ... a dictatorship-inspired potato boat

Hear me out ... a dictatorship-inspired potato boat