
This is a lot of “me” content but where else can you hear all about what I’m up to without reading my Google calendar?

The most epic race in history has donkeys

The most epic race in history has donkeys

Donkey racing and I need to know more.

I stumbled on this etching while doing my deep dive into newly released vintage illustrations online and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Apparently it dates back to mining days in the west from when they were being used for transporting equipment for miners. Not “minors” but who knows - stranger things have happened.

Burro races still happen today in Colorado and they are super epic. They apparently don’t let you ride the donkey anymore, but you can run alongside it with a lead rope or, for some reason, it can be carried (who does' that?). The donkeys have to carry a pack saddle with 33 pounds of traditional mining gear and then they run the route - which can measure about 29 miles like THIS one in Fairplay, Colorado.

We need something weird like this in Orlando.

Chatting with The Culinati Podcast about Orlando's food scene

Chatting with The Culinati Podcast about Orlando's food scene

Digital Collages - Drag Queens in Flowers

Digital Collages - Drag Queens in Flowers