
This is a lot of “me” content but where else can you hear all about what I’m up to without reading my Google calendar?

News Night: Back at WUCF PBS to chat the headlines

News Night: Back at WUCF PBS to chat the headlines

Well, it’s official. My frantic puppet-less shadow puppet hand motions did not frighten away the producers and I was invited back to record another episode of “News Night” on WUCF PBS.

Nancy Alvarez was back to hold court with a new posse of news nerds, myself included. Also at the table were Shannon Green from Orlando Sentinel and Field Sutton from WFTV. I love that I get to play the roll of weird alt-paper boy in the corner; the kid on the street-beat.

This week’s topics included bullying at the Orlando International Airport and how it could have contributed to the suicide of a TSA employee, the July Perry/lynching memorial I wrote about last week, and bike safety in Orlando.

I feel like we get into our stride about 10 minutes into it and wish we could have delved in a bit further. The format is really interesting; different local reporters talking about the process and facts behind the stories in ways our readers don’t often get exposed to. I think it could eat up a whole hour as they move forward but I’m down with the 30-minute sprint for now.

Click HERE to see it for yourself.

I went over the edge

I went over the edge

Showing off the food truck scene

Showing off the food truck scene