Cement Sculpting Workshop at Art and History Museum - Maitland
I was invited to participate in a cement workshop at the Art and History Museum in Maitland today and it was a complete blast.
It’s something I’ve had on my skill bucket list through the years as the medium is semi-permanent and seems really funky to use. The museum campus sports a bunch of hand-carved cement friezes on all the buildings that are reminiscent of Mayan temples and man, I’d just love to do that myself but with butts and stuff. Just let me be me, you guys.
The workshop was led by Danielle DeGuglimo who I’m actually a big fan of since seeing her giant domino installation she did for the 2014 Art in Odd Places event in Downtown Orlando.
“All Fall Down” by DeGuglimo
The entire process was actually pretty simple.
Scoop a few cups of this special cement powder into your bucket and add just a wee bit of water at a time until you have a porridge-consistency in there. You can add little colored powders too if you want to “get a little funkeh.”
When it was all mixed up you just had to find a cool recepticle to pour your mix into. Before adding the wet cement, we were instructed to coat the surface of the item with oil so that the cement would come out easier once it was done drying. Just like a muffin. That you cold never eat. So, just like my muffins.
I chose something that looked like a brain, although now that I think about it, I never asked why she had a brain container.
Once that was finished we jammed in another object that would leave an impression in the concrete as it dried; like Tupperware or a friend’s retainer or something.
Then you let it dry for 48 hours and sand it off so there are no pointy bits. We’re doing that part next week though, so stay tuned!